
The Shadowing technique

Educational 2016-03-21

Implementation of the new method and testing the results. Shadowing is a language learning technique developed by the American Professor Alexander Arguelles. The basis of the method is audio in the language that you are learning. While listening, you attempt to repeat -- to "shadow" -- what you hear as quickly as you hear it. There's a saying in English, "Fake it 'till you make it." It means to pretend to be good at something, and pretend to feel confident. As you continue and build your skill, your fake confidence will be replaced by real confidence. It’s an extremely useful tool for increasing fluency and understanding as well as improving your accent and ability to be understood. It is one of the ways to learn English on your own. In the era of modern technologies schools, as well as your teachers, are no longer the only sources of getting knowledge. But your teachers can teach you the ways to improve your English and guide beyond your classroom. What is needed? -Your favorite audio book with transcripts. Today it is The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint -Exupéry in grade 8 .

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